Lawsuit + Leather Release Day! Photos + Amazon Ranking

It has been 1 week since Lawsuit and Leather released and…

My heart is still racing with adrenaline! It’s as if it’s release day all over again!

I’ve received countless messages from you and how you’ve enjoyed the roller coaster Gemma goes through, between knowing who to root for only to be unsure whose the best fit after twists and turns!

I love hearing it all! 

During the big celebrating, which consisted of peach gummy rings, cherry sour candy, cherry pastries, and steak and mashed potatoes, Lawsuit and Leather hit below 20k in Amazon’s best seller rank!! I REPEAT, UNDER 20K, right at 17,502!


AND Lawsuit and Leather hit top 100 in two separate Amazon categories, and stayed there a full week.

I’m still feeling the rush, the adrenaline from release day, even after a week.

Seriously, I appreciate all of the reviews being submitted in, because your reviews, each time you share and engage with my posts, helps immensely and I couldn’t do this without your help and support!


Update on book two, BTW, I am ten chapters in, and as of right now, almost 11 chapters in. WHOA! There’s A LOT to unpack for Gemma, Parker, and Alejandro.

I know for a fact, you guys will not be disappointed. It has such a strong start, especially with how book one ended.

Thank you again everyone! I appreciate each and everyone of you!

A slow-burn, angsty, love triangle between childhood best friends and Hollywood's baddest boy in New York City.

Happy Wednesday!

Xoxo, Viv


Burning Little Secrets - Alt Cover Giveaway


FAQ - Lawsuit + Leather